Hey You!
Huh? Im an angel?
This is one of my favourite spinning toy...
What is it Mummy?
Okay, I will not get too excited.
Pretty Cheryl Ah Yee and ...me *Wink* ;)
Yishun Ah Gong and..me *Wink Wink* ;) ;)
Caring Mummy and..me *Wink Wink Wink* ;) ;) ;)
Ok....Im really tired now.
This is the way I go to sleep I go to sleep I go to sleep...
This is the way I go to sleep so early Friday morning....
Di Pek Kong is looking at yr growth development peeping at yr blog very frequently. Understand that you popped by this afternoon sad I was not at home to say Hello to you. Next time when you want to come ask mum or dad to ring ring me first OK.